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焦点提醒: 国建绿色聪明项目设想研究院(天津)无限公司前身为天津港津计划建筑设想无限公司,成立在1993年6月,是天津市第一家获准成立的具有建筑行业甲级设想天资的中外合作分析性设想公司。现持有建筑行业甲级设想天资、城市计划编制乙级天资和风光园林项目设想专项天资乙级。公司在2001年9月经由过程了ISO-9001质量治理系统认证,成立了完全的科学治理轨制和质量治理系统。2019年7月公司由空港经济区整建制搬家至北辰经济手艺开辟区。 颠末近三十年的磨砺,公司已具有丰硕的城市计划与各类建筑设想经验。已构成旅游中国给水排水2023年中国污水中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事中国给水排水2023年中国污水处理厂中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事国建绿色聪明项目设想研究院(天津)无限公司前身为天津港津计划建筑设想无限公司,成立在1993年6月,是天津市第一家获准成立的具有建筑行业甲级设想天资的中外合作分析性设想公司。现持有建筑行业甲级设想天资、城市计划编制乙级天资和风光园林项目设想专项天资乙级。公司在2001年9月经由过程了ISO-9001质量治理系统认证,成立了完全的科学治理轨制和质量治理系统。2019年7月公司由空港经济区整建制搬家至北辰经济手艺开辟区。 颠末近三十年的磨砺,公司已具有丰硕的城市计划与各类建筑设想经验。已构成旅游地产、财产地产、公共建筑、栖身建筑、工业建筑和绿色建筑、拆卸式建筑和BIM手艺办事等产物线。可以或许承当计划设想、建筑设想、景不雅园林设想、室内装潢设想、EPC项目总承包、建筑智能化项目、全进程项目项目治理等系列办事工作。今朝,公司经由过程对钢布局拆卸式高层室第实验设想,慢慢构成了属在国建院本身的第一代钢布局拆卸式室第手艺方案——星斗建筑系统。 公司一直对峙“严谨、勤恳、求实、立异”的办事理念,让每项设想都铭记公司的精品认识,都被付与怪异的气概和艺术魅力。在设想师们的辛苦尽力下,公司已设想包罗多层、高层、超高层在内的写字楼、银行、宾馆、病院、商场、黉舍、高级公寓、室第小区、工业建筑等各类项目项目累计1000余项,总建筑面积达万万平方米,项目广泛国内十余省市。所设想项目曾荣获詹天助土木匠程优异室第小区金奖、“海河杯”天津市优异勘查设想三等奖,且屡次荣获全国人居典范方案比赛建筑设想方案金奖、计划金奖和计划、情况和计划、建筑双金奖。 多年来,我们一直视人材为企业的第一资本,以引进、培育和培养优异人材做为公司最主要的焦点合作力,集中了一批优异的建筑师和各个专业的项目师,慢慢构成了一个优异的设想团队,同时公司还礼聘数名国表里高程度的项目手艺、治理专家为公司高级参谋。 今朝,公司已成功与北辰经济手艺开辟区、中交第一公路项目局无限公司、中交第一航务项目勘测设想院无限公司、中交水运计划设想院无限公司、华夏幸福基业股分无限公司、北京联东投资无限公司、天津长荣控股无限公司、联发团体无限公司、智造(中国)无限公司、美克国际家具股分无限公司、天津天保基建股分无限公司、天津贻成实业团体无限公司、营口港房地产开辟无限义务公司、杭州三江房地产开辟无限公司等多家出名企业紧密亲密合作,制造出了一批优异的原创设想精品。 将来公司将凭仗全专业手艺、多元化人材和多范畴资本等分析劣势,在做年夜做强建筑设想主业的根本上,鼎力成长EPC项目总承包,同时优化晋升多财产成长款式,经由过程整合阐扬公司表里劣势资本,终究构成"以设想为龙头"的项目扶植全进程财产链。 我们愿以多元化的设想视角延续为客户供给全方位的办事,缔造杰出的经济效益。Guojian Green Intelligent Engineering DesignAndResearch Institute (Tianjin) Co., Ltd Guojian Green Intelligent Engineering Design and Research Institute (Tianjin) Co., Ltd., formerly known as Tianjin Gangjin Planning and Architectural Design Co., Ltd., is founded in July 1993 with the approval of National Ministry of Construction and Commerce. The company has possessed A Level qualification of architecture design and B Level qualification of urban planning. Gathering a team of open-minded designers and engineers, the company leads the professional standards of architec- ture industry and forms own complete and scientific quality management system which passed ISO-9001 certification in Sept. 2001. In July 2019, the company moved from the airport economic zone to Beichen Economic and Technological Development Zone. After nearly 30 years of grinding and sharpening, the company has rich experience in urban planning and various architectural design. Product lines such as tourism real estate, industrial real estate, public buildings, residential buildings, industrial buildings and green buildings, assembly buildings and BIM technical services have been formed. Be able to undertake a series of services such as planning and design, architectural design, interior decoration design, landscape garden design, EPC engineering general contracting, construction intelligent engineering, whole process project project management, etc. At present。The company always adheres to the service concept of "rigour, diligence, truth-seeking and innovation", so that every design is engraved with the company's boutique consciousness, which is given a unique style and artistic charm. With the hard work of designers, the company has designed more than 1,000 various projects, including multistorybuildings, high-rise and ultra-high-rise office buildings, banks, hotels, hospitals, shopping malls, schools, high-end apartments, residential communities, industrial buildings and other projects, project covers more than ten provinces and cities in China. The designed project has won the gold award of Zhan Tianyou's excellent residential district in civil engineering, the third prize of Tianjin excellent exploration and design award of "Haihe Cup", and has won the architectural design scheme Gold Award, planning Gold Award and double gold award of planning, environment and planning and architecture in the national classic scheme competition for many times. For many years, we have always regarded talents as the first resource of the enterprise. As the most important core competitiveness of the company, we have centralized a group of excellent architects and engineers in various professions, and gradually formed an excellent design ����APPteam. At the same time, the company has also hired several high-level engineering technology and management experts at home and abroad as senior consultants of the company. At present, the company has successfully worked closely with many well-known enterprises such as Beichen Economic and Technological Development Zone,ChinaFirst Highway Engineering Co.,Ltd., CCCCFirst Harbor ConsultantsCo., LTD.,CCCC Water Transportation Consultants Co., Ltd., China Fortune Land Development Co., Ltd., LIANDO, Masterwork Group Co., Ltd.,Tianjin Linfa GroupCo., Ltd.,Smart (China) Co.,Ltd., Markor International Home Furnishings Co., Ltd., Tianjin Tianbao Infrastructure Co.,Ltd., Tianjin Yeshine Industrial Group Co., Ltd., Yingkou Port Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Sanjiang Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. and other well-quality original design products. In the future, the company will vigorously develop the total contract of EPC projects on the basis of making large and strong construction design industries with comprehensive advantages such as all-professional technology, diversified talents and multi-field resources. At the same time, it will optimize and improve the multi-industry development pattern. Through the integration and development of the company's internal and external advantageous resources, it will eventually form an industrial chain of the whole process of engineering construction with design as the leading role. We are willing to continue to provide customers with all-round services from a diversified design perspective, and create good economic benefits.Tel:022-26853686 E-mail:tjbhgj@163.com我们的实力现持有建筑行业甲级设想天资、城市计划编制乙级天资和风光园林项目设想专项天资乙级,所设想项目曾荣获詹天助土木匠程优异室第小区金奖、“海河杯”天津市优异勘查设想三等奖,且屡次荣获全国人居典范方案比赛建筑设想方案金奖、计划金奖和计划、情况和计划、建筑双金奖。

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